Grievance Policy 

NPRA Ethics and Best Practices Violation and Grievance Policy and Procedures

The NPRA Grievance Policy outlines procedures for addressing violations of its Code of Ethics and Best Practices. Members, affiliate members, or non-members can initiate grievances against NPRA members, which are reviewed by the National Ethics and Best Practices Committee and the National Board. The policy aims to promote consistency and integrity in serving the elderly and is educational rather than punitive. Confidentiality is maintained throughout the process, with a clear procedure for filing grievances and escalating them if necessary. Substantiated grievances can result in termination of membership and/or certification. The policy emphasizes adherence to ethical standards and the importance of fair resolution through internal processes.

Before filing a grievance, please review the policy below.

Grievance Form


It is the policy of the NPRA to have a procedure and expectation that members will abide by the Code of Ethics and Best Practices set forth by the National Board of Directors (the "National Board"). In the event there is a question regarding adherence to these Code of Ethics and Best Practices, the National Board has a policy in which a member, affiliate member, or non-member can initiate a grievance against an NPRA member. The grievance is reviewed by the National Ethics and Best Practices Committee and the National Board. As a condition of membership and certification, members agree to abide by the recommendations made by the National Ethics and Best Practices Committee and National Board.

The purpose of this policy is to promote consistency and integrity among professionals serving America’s elderly population. The intention and spirit of NPRA policy is to clarify the Code of Ethics and Best Practices and support professionals in their quest to serve America’s elderly. This policy is not intended as a punitive action, but rather an educational tool designed to remedy poor practices through self- regulation.

This Policy may be amended from time to time to reflect the procedures necessary to achieve the goals of the NPRA. Prior to submitting a grievance, please review the policy information on procedures on this web page.

All members will agree to abide by the Grievance Policy at the time of their membership with NPRA, thereby designating the member's willingness to submit to the findings and recommendations of the National Ethics and Best Practices Committee and the National Board.

All grievances and information entailed within this policy is confidential with the exception of the distribution of documentation and recommendations discussed in the procedure or as otherwise required by law. All matters regarding grievance complaints will remain confidential to the National Ethics and Best Practices Committee, the National Board, the Local Board, Local President and the agents/parties involved. In matters where an employee is involved, the owner of the business is a party in the grievance process and resolution process.

Every member indemnifies and holds harmless any participant of the National Ethics and Best Practices Committee or the National Board, et. al. engaged in the application of this Policy for all actions taken consistent with the investigation, hearing, and resolution of any grievance.

If elder abuse is the reason for the grievance, it is the responsibility of the party filing the grievance to seek suitable legal guidance regarding notification of the abuse to proper authorities in accordance to the laws of the state prior to filing a grievance with the NPRA.

  • It is understood that a grievance filed with the NPRA is not a substitution for legal proceedings.
  • It is the policy of NPRA to not be involved with formal grievances against non-members.
  • No action shall be taken on any grievance until the Grievance Form and supporting documents are filed.
  • No action shall be taken on any anonymous grievance.


  1. The initiator of the grievance will complete the approved Grievance Form, with supporting documentation and return it to the Local Board President.
  2. If a local Chapter exists, the Local Board President will show the grievance to their Grievance Committee with no identifying characteristics of the parties involved.
  3. If the local Grievance Committee finds the grievance to be a possible ethics or Best Practices violation, they will submit the Grievance Form along with all supporting documentation to the National Ethics and Best Practices Committee. If the local Grievance Committee finds that the grievance does not rise to the level of a substantive ethics or Best Practices violation then the local president will notify the parties involved of that decision with explanation.
  4. If there is no local Chapter, the initiator of the grievance will complete the form and supporting documentation will be sent to the NPRA President.
  5. The National Ethics and Best Practices Committee, consisting of all Chapter Presidents except the Chapter where the grievance originated, will meet telephonically and review the general merits of the grievance within 14 days. The National Ethics and Best Practices Committee will hold a simple majority vote as to whether or not the grievance moves forward to the National Board. The National Ethics and Best Practices Committee will notify all parties involved of the decision.
  6. The NPRA President or assigned National Board Member (in cases of potential conflict of interest) will contact all parties involved in the grievance to schedule a telephonic meeting to review the grievance with the National Board to mediate and bring to resolution the situation.
  7. Within 14 days, the National Board will hold a private, telephonic meeting with the agent(s)/party(s) to discuss the filed grievance and review submitted documentation.
  8. Within 7 days, the National Board will vote on the merits of the grievance and any resulting sanctions by a simple majority vote. All recommendations will be made in writing and become part of the private file that the National Board and Local Board keeps on all members.
  9. Substantiated grievances that involve a violation of the Code of Ethics or Best Practices of NPRA can be grounds for the termination of membership and/or termination of certification with no refund of previously paid dues and/or certification fees.
  10. The agent(s)/party(s) involved in the grievance, including the local Chapter Grievance Committee where the grievance was initiated, shall be notified of the findings and recommendations of the National Ethics and Best Practices Committee and the National Board.
  11. The National President, or designated assignee, shall ensure all sanctions are upheld.
Grievance Form